Full Stack Java Developer Academy (for Career Changers)

Рестартирајте ја вашата кариера со нашата Full-Stack Java Aкадемија

Дали сте подготвени да започнете нова и возбудлива кариера? Нашата академија за full-stack нуди трансформативно искуство за луѓе кои сакаат да направат транзиција во технолошката индустрија. Ќе ги стекнете вештините и самодовербата потребни за успех како full-stack програмер преку интензивна обука и практични проекти. Придружете ни се и отклучете го вашиот потенцијал во брзо растечкиот свет на технологијата.

Изберете го патот кој најдобро одговара на вашите цели:

Трансформирајте ја вашата кариера лесно во ИТ со нашата шестмесечна програма за кариерна трансформација.

Академијата вклучува:

  • Eкспертска обука: Индивидуално водство од индустриски професионалци.
  • Практични проекти: Изградете силно портфолио за да ги прикажете вашите вештини.
  • Флексибилно учење: Балансирајте го тероетското и практичното знаење.

Бесплатна обука за меки вештини и практично искуство:

Покрај нашата сеопфатна техничка програма, нудиме бесплатна бонус обука што ќе ве опреми со основни меки вештини потребни за успех во денешниот конкурентен пазар на труд.

Нашите експерти ќе ве водат во секој чекор од патот со индивидуално водство кое ќе ви помогне да го достигнете вашиот целосен потенцијал.

Запомнете, во текот на целата програма, вашиот тренер ќе биде со вас за да обезбеди персонализирано водство, поддршка и повратни информации, за да обезбеди да го постигнете вашиот целосен потенцијал.

Аплицирање до:







30 септември 2024

октомври 2024

6 months

3 meetings per week for 2h

Училница или online

Македонски, или Англиски

2370 €

header pattern
Што ќе научиш
  • Agile Development, SDLC, SCRUM Principles, and JIRA : Master the agile methodologies, software development life cycle, SCRUM principles, and efficient project management using JIRA.
  • Git as a powerful Version Control System : Learn to use Git for version control, enabling effective collaboration and management of code changes.
  • Object-Oriented and Functional Programming : Gain expertise in both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms to write flexible and efficient code.
  • Parallelism, Concurrency, and Asynchronous Programming : Understand the concepts of parallelism, concurrency, and asynchronous programming to improve application performance.
  • Databases, SQL and NoSQL, ORM Principles : Dive into database management, including SQL and NoSQL databases, and learn Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) principles.
  • Maven Build Automation Tool : Automate your build processes using Maven to enhance productivity and manage project dependencies efficiently.
  • Design Patterns : Study essential design patterns to create robust, reusable, and maintainable code.
  • Network Protocols, Web Services, and API Management : Learn about network protocols, web services, and how to manage APIs effectively.
  • Front-End Development : Develop your front-end skills, creating responsive and dynamic user interfaces.
  • Many Java-Based Frameworks : Explore Java-based frameworks such as Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JUnit, Spring AI and more to rapidly build powerful applications.
  • Test-Driven Development with Unit and Integration Testing : Embrace Test-Driven Development and master unit and integration testing to ensure your code is reliable and bug-free.
  • SOAP and REST Web Services : Understand and implement SOAP and RESTful web services for robust and scalable web applications.
  • Secure Web Applications : Learn techniques to secure web applications and protect them from common vulnerabilities.
  • Containerization Techniques : Get hands-on experience with containerization techniques using Docker to streamline deployment and scaling of applications.
  • Adding Features Supported with Generative AI : Integrate and leverage generative AI to enhance your applications with advanced, intelligent features.
  • Communication Skills, Setting SMART Goals, and Time Management : Develop essential soft skills, including effective communication, goal setting with SMART criteria, and time management.
  • And much more! Candidates will work on real projects, gaining practical experience and building a portfolio that showcases their abilities to potential employers.


  • Learn the SDLC, agile methodologies (SCRUM), and project management with JIRA. Your coach will provide practical exercises and real-world examples to solidify your understanding.

  • Master object-oriented and functional programming concepts . Your coach will offer code reviews and personalized feedback to enhance your coding skills.

  • Build a strong foundation for problem-solving. Your coach will guide you through challenging exercises and explain complex concepts in simple terms.

  • Master data formats for seamless communication. Learn about essential formats like XML and JSON. Understand how to effectively exchange data between different systems and ensure interoperability.

  • Build robust and scalable applications with databases. Explore relational databases, SQL, and NoSQL technologies. Learn to efficiently store, retrieve, and manage data for various application needs.

  • Streamline development with essential tools. Master Maven for efficient builds, Java Database Connectivity for database interactions, and Git for effective version control.

  • Create high-quality, maintainable software. Learn about design patterns (Singleton, Factory, Observer) and architectural paradigms to build scalable and flexible applications.

  • Write efficient and responsive code. Explore asynchronous programming, parallelism, concurrency, multithreading, virtual threads, and computable futures.

  • Explore web services, APIs, and network protocols for seamless application integration. Understand SOAP, REST, and API Gateways for scalable and secure digital solutions. i 4. Master key data formats like XML and JSON for effective application communication. Build robust, scalable, and interoperable software systems.

  • Accelerate your development process with Spring Framework and Spring Boot. Learn about annotations, dependency injection, inversion of control, and aspect-oriented programming. Our coaches will provide practical demonstrations and real-world examples to help you master these essential tools.

  • Efficiently manage data persistence in your Java applications. Understand object-relational mapping, JPA, Hibernate, and Spring Data. Your coach will guide you through practical exercises and real-world scenarios to help you apply these concepts effectively.

  • Build secure and compliant applications. Learn about security best practices, common vulnerabilities, and how to protect your applications from threats. Your coach will provide hands-on guidance and real-world examples to help you implement effective security measures.

  • Create stunning user interfaces. Master HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, and React. Our experienced coaches will provide practical training and real-world projects to help you develop the skills needed to create engaging and responsive front-end experiences.

  • Manage Linux systems and deploy applications efficiently. Learn about folder structures, software installation, environment variables, security, SSH, Docker, and Docker Compose. Our coaches will provide hands-on guidance and real-world examples to help you master these essential skills.

  • Write high-quality, reliable code. Learn about test-driven development, unit testing, assertions, JUnit, and Mockito. Our coaches will provide hands-on guidance and real-world examples to help you write effective tests.

  • Leverage the power of AI in your applications. Explore prompt engineering and Spring AI. Our coaches will provide hands-on guidance and real-world examples to help you integrate AI features into your applications.

  • Communicate Effectively: Master the art of verbal and written communication to collaborate effectively with your team and stakeholders.
  • Set SMART Goals: Define clear and achievable goals that align with your career aspirations.
  • Resolve Conflicts: Develop strategies to address conflicts and maintain positive working relationships.


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    Методија Андонов Ченто
    бр.15 Битола, Северна Македонија
    +389 72 309 282
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